As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control – all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his cross-hairs.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction Actors: Abigail Klein, Alexander Leeb, Andreas Beckett, Andrew Arrabito, Austin Lin, B. Adam Baillio, Ben Wang, Calvin Wimmer, Candice Zhao, Charles Parnell, Cleo King, David Midthunder, Drew Wicks, Eddie San Chan, Edward T. Welburn, Erika Fong, Frank Welker, Gene Shieh, Glenn Keogh, Greg Matthew Anderson, Han Geng, Howard Y. Woo, Jack Reynor, James Bachman, Jamison Haase, Jeffrey Combs, Jessica Gomes, Jingsheng Yu, John DiMaggio, John Goodman, Kassem Gharaibeh, Kelsey Grammer, Ken Watanabe, Kenny Sheard, Kevin Covais, Kevin Kent, King-Man Yip, Li Bingbing, Li Jun Ting, Mark Rolston, Mark Ryan, Mark Wahlberg, Melanie Specht, Michael Collins, Michael Wong, Miguel Ferrer, Mikal Vega, Nick Horst, Nicola Peltz, Patrick Bristow, Peter A Kelly, Peter Cullen, Ray Lui, Reno Wilson, Richard Gallion, Richard Riehle, Robert Foxworth, Sophia Myles, Stanley Tucci, T. J. Miller, Teresa Daley, Thomas Lennon, Titus Welliver, Tyrone Smith, Victoria Summer, Wang Ying, William Wang, Woei Bee, Wu Gang, Yanis Kalnins, Zhang Tianyu, Zou Shiming Directors: Michael Bay Production: Paramount Pictures