An upcoming two-hour American animated television film split into two parts. Based on Craig Bartlett’s Hey Arnold! TV series, it will serve as a sequel to the series finale in which Arnold found his father’s journal and read about the life of his scientist parents, including their first meeting, birthing him, and a map showing the route they took to the San Lorenzo before they disappeared.
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy Actors: Aiden Lewandowski, Alfred Molina, Anndi McAfee, Antoinette Stella, Benjamin Flores Jr., Carlos Alazraqui, Craig Bartlett, Dan Butler, Dan Castellaneta, Danielle Judovits, Danny Cooksey, Dom Irrera, Francesca Smith, Gavin Lewis, James Belushi, Jamil Walker Smith, Jet Jurgensmeyer, Justin Shenkarow, Kath Soucie, Lane Toran, Laya DeLeon Hayes, Mason Vale Cotton, Maurice LaMarche, Nicolas Cantu, Nika Futterman, Olivia Hack, Stephen Stanton, Tress MacNeille, Wally Wingert Directors: Raymie Muzquiz