In a cursed town, the annual harvest becomes a brutal battle for survival. On Halloween 1963, Sawtooth Jack, a terrifying legend, rises from the cornfields, threatening the town’s children. Groups of boys unite to defeat the murderous scarecrow before midnight. Richie, a rebellious outcast, joins the run, motivated by his brother’s previous victory. As the hunt progresses, Richie makes a shocking discovery and faces a pivotal choice to break the relentless cycle.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller Actors: Adam Brooks, Alejandro Akara, Britain Dalton, Carter Heintz, Casey Likes, Dustin Ceithamer, Elizabeth Reaser, Emyri Crutchfield, Ezra Buzzington, Frederick Allen, Jake Brennan, Jeremy Davies, Luke Kirby, Maclean Fish, Megan Best, Nazariy Demkowicz, Ryder Dueck, Sharon Bajer, Steven McCarthy, West Mulholland Directors: David Slade Production: Matt Tolmach Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer